About aerodrome - Services

The Aerodrome offers mainly aviation-related services - the infrastructure maintenance to provide safe landings and take-offs, aircraft parking and hangarage facilities.

Landing fees 2023 (valid for a single day of flights OR a single arrival + a single departure within 3 days after the arrival):
Aircraft categoryFee
Ultralight/sport aircraft (MTOW<600kg)EUR 20
Light aircraft (MTOW 600-2400kg)EUR 25
Large aircraft (MTOW>2400kg)EUR 30
Parking fees (for 24h, first 3h free):
Light aircraft (MTOW<2400kg)EUR 5
Large aircraft (MTOW>2400kg)EUR 10

Regular users of Spilve aerodrome pay membership fee of EUR 400 per 12 months (40 flying days), EUR 300 for 6 months (20 flying days), EUR 200 for 3 months (10 flying days).

Approaching RWY 14

Briefing room with computer, printer, wi-fi, fax and meeting table available 24/7.



Izveidota jauna sadaļa mājaslapā dronu pilotiem un opertoriem.
Effective October 12 anyone wanting to enter Latvia will need to have a filled electronic form "Covidpass.lv". More info here: https://www.iem.gov.lv/en/jaunums/no-12-oktobra-skersojot-latvijas-republikas-robezu-bus-jaaizpilda-elektroniska-anketa
Military exercise 22-25 SEP in Riga and vicinity will put limitations on Spilve usability. Actively check the published info in AIP SUP and NOTAMs!
August 17, 1200-1800 the Aviation Festival in Spilve!!!
100LL not avbl at the moment.
April 18, 1030-1300 (local) UAV mission will take place in Riga Port over Sarkandaugava max. ALT 200FT.
Rīgas domes Sporta pārvalde
© Aerodrome Spilve